Corporate Info

» Company Profile

Use Dial is India's no.1 local search destination. The company caters to over 25 million unique users spread across 240 cities in India. This unique local search service is available on Phone, Web, WAP and SMS. Use Dial, India employs 3000 strong work force, has more than 1,00,000 SME advertisers.


» Competitve Strength

The company bridges the gap between buyers and sellers by helping buyers find the right providers of products and services while helping sellers improve the efficiency of their marketing channels.


» Key Highlights

  • The leading local search brand in India
  • Large customer base and nationwide coverage
  • Highly scalable platform
  • Excellent track record in user experience
  • High customer satisfaction
  • Modern infrastructure and constantly updated technology
  • Vastly Experienced management team


» Investors

The company has raised three rounds of strategic investments from California based venture fund Sequoia Capital; New York based Hedge Fund Tiger Global and Hong Kong-based SAIF partners.


» Global Plans

Use Dial is in advanced stages of launching its local search service in North America on a toll free number "1-800-Usedial". Going forward the company intends to leverage the Use Dial brand and know how for an international franchise.


» Vision & Philosophy

The company's goal is to create long-term shareholder value by enhancing its position as a leading local search service. The company's philosophy focuses on end user experience through feedback, innovation, teamwork and integrity.